First of all – Happy New Year. AND – many, many thanks to all of you who have helped me succeed in my Stampin’ Up! and quilting businesses. Thank you for your purchases, thank you to those who joined my team and of course – thank you to my new friends. I couldn’t do this without your continued support of my online store, YouTube Channel and Facebook groups.
I’m blessed to be able to have my quilting business, as well as my Critters’n Ink and still have time for my family and friends. My grandchildren are growing like weeds. Isla is now 3, Olivia will be 2 in a couple of weeks, and Aidan will be 2 in April.
With a new year, comes a new January – April mini catalogue. I already have them in stock, so if you haven’t already received yours, please let me know and I’ll get one right out to you. The winter mini also comes with a new Sale-a-brationbrochure, which offers you a free product gift with a qualifying purchase of $60 or more for a level 1 gift, or $120 for a level 2 gift. You can see some of these free gifts in my Youtube videos or on Facebook. Click on the above links to check out the catalogue and SAB brochure.
As always please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. These catalogues both go “live” on January 5th.
Once again, I’m offering a paper share from the new Mini Catalogue. There are some beautiful new Designer Series Papers and if you’re thinking – wow!! I ‘d love to have that new paper but would I use it all? Here’s a solution for you.
How about a paper share?? ** All prices include taxes and shipping
Package #1. – $62
You will receive a 6 x 6″ sample of every one of the double sided patterned Designer Series papers from each of the 10 packages.
Package #2 – $20
You will receive a 6 x 6″ sample of each of the Specialty papers from each of the 4 packages. These include shimmers, vellums and a one-sided metallic.
Package #3 – $75
Combine Packages 1 and 2 and get $7 off the combined price.
Basically the way it works is I will order the paper and pre- cut it into 6 x 6″ pieces, package and label each pack separately and mail to those participating. This way you get a portion of each package without paying for the full package. To participate, I need to receive your payment in advance, either by e-transfer to my email or cash. I’ll be placing my paper order on January 5th, so I need to have your order no later than noon on the 5th. If you can think of anyone else who might also be interested, please feel free forward this email. If they order, be sure to remind them to tell me that you forwarded the email, and you AND they will receive a small token of my appreciation with your order.
Once again – Happy New Year and all the best for 2023. I look forward to seeing you in person this year.
Many thanks
Lise Taber
Critters’n Ink Designs
Hi Lise
I am in sunny and warm Portugal. CannI order the $75 package and can you mail it to me in Cobourg? I will pay the postage. I have someone picking up our mail.
Sent from my iPad
Hi Pat. I hope your trip over was smooth. I can definitely do that for you. Thank you! Give my best to Jean!